Upcoming Events: 08/03 | Stone Pier Summer Concert Series #3 - See More >>

City Information

Code of Ordinances

Note: This online version of the Lake View Code of Ordinances does not contain all of the Code and it may not reflect the most recent ordinance changes. For the official copy of the City Code, contact the City Clerk.
Code of Ordinances

Consumer Confidence Report

Applications & Forms

Completed forms should be mailed to the City of Lake View at P.O. Box 18, Lake View, IA, 51450.

Application for Utility Service
Complete this application and submit it to the City of Lake View along with a $250.00 utility deposit. After one year of prompt payment, your initial deposit of $250.00 will be applied to your account. Please call the City Clerk’s office (712) 657-2634 prior to submitting an application for utility service.
Utility Service Application

Auto Pay Form
This form is used to authorize automatic withdrawal of your utility payment from your checking or savings account.
ACH Authorization Form

Building Permit Application
Complete the one-page application and include a sketch of the construction and how it sits on your property, including the distance from each of the property lines. Send the completed application, sketch and appropriate fee to the City of Lake View.
Building Permit Application Form

Application for City-Wide Clean-Up Day
Complete this application and submit it to the City of Lake View with a $10 fee to participate in City-Wide Clean-Up Day, Monday and Tuesday, May 6th & 7th.
Clean Up Day Form

Concrete Permit Application
Complete the application and include a sketch of the proposed construction.
Concrete Permit Application – Print and Mail
Concrete Permit Application – Submit Online

Application for Zoning Variance
Please consult the City Clerk/Administrator prior to completing an application for a Zoning Variance.
Zoning Variance Application

Application for Zoning Special Exception
Please consult the City Clerk/Administrator prior to completing an application for a Zoning Special Exception
Special Exception Application

Application for Zoning Change
Zoning Change Application – Print and Mail
Zoning Change Application – Submit Online

Application for Tax Abatement
Application for Tax Abatement – Print and Mail
Application for Tax Abatement – Submit Online

Pier to Pier Cobblestone Order Form
Orders are being accepted for engraved cobblestones to be placed at the North Stone Pier. Complete the form and send it to the City of Lake View with the appropriate fee.
Cobblestone Order Form

Employment Application
Please return completed application to City Hall.
Employment Application Form